Ointment "Bepanten" - an agent for the externalapplication. The active substance is provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). The component undergoes rapid absorption in the cells of the skin. When penetrating the epithelium, the active substance undergoes transformation, turning into an acid pantothenic.

botanic analogue
This compound is an element of coenzyme A,takes an active part in acetylation, synthesis of acetylcholine, promotes faster regeneration of mucous membranes and skin, increases the density of collagen fibers, normalizes metabolic processes in cells. Medication "Bepanten", among other things, has anti-inflammatory (to an insignificant degree), moisturizing effect on the veil. The cost of the medicine is about 300 rubles.

Is there a cheap analogue of "Bepanten"?

Drugs that have a similar effect,today a sufficient number is produced. However, not all of them are available to a wide range of consumers. One of the inexpensive means is the medicine "Panthenol" - an analogue of the ointment "Bepanten". The medication is available in a convenient dosage form - in the form of an aerosol. Its cost is from 80 rubles.


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The preparation is indicated for the acceleration of the processregeneration in case of damage to the mucous membranes and skin of a different origin. Analogue "Bepantenum" - a medicine "Panthenol" - is recommended for processing of postoperative aseptic wounds, solar and thermal burns, abrasions. The drug is used for bladder and bullous dermatitis, skin grafts.

Method of application

When treating the affected skin with a balloonwith medicine keep vertically. At the same time, the valve must be located at the top. Before applying the drug, the balloon should be shaken. The skin is treated several times a day. The duration of the period during which the analogue "Bepanten" - the spray "Pantenol" is applied, depends on the severity of the manifestation of symptoms. A balloon should not be used near heating appliances or open fire.

Side effects, which provokes the analogue of "Bepanten"

analogous ointment bepentene

The medicine "Panthenol" can cause allergicreaction. As a rule, they appear in patients who have increased sensitivity to the active component of the drug - dexpanthenol - or any of the additional substances of the drug. When the rash appears on the skin, irritation or other signs of an allergic reaction, the drug is canceled. It is necessary to visit a doctor. A specialist in such a situation can recommend another analogue to "Bepanten".


Panthenol is not recommended forintolerance of components. In the presence of indications, the medicine is allowed for use by pregnant or nursing patients. During these periods, the drug should be used with extreme caution under the supervision of the doctor.

additional information

In practice, cases of overdose are not describedeven with accidental swallowing. Nevertheless, care should be taken when using the drug. Store the medicine in places that are not accessible to children, away from direct sunlight. It is not recommended to spray on wet wounds.

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