Unsuitable for further use intechnological processes, waste, their residues, capable of causing damage to the environment, habitat, life or health of people, are called dangerous. They may include explosive, toxic, fire-hazardous components, pathogens of various infections and other dangerous elements.

Waste management is enshrined in Russiacorresponding articles of the law. So, in 1998 the federal law was approved. He introduced the concept of "waste licensing" into Russian legal practice. Later, in 2002, another law was passed that establishes the need for permission to conduct certain types of activities. Thus, the licensing of waste from that time is subject to it.

In accordance with Order 511, in 2001, there was aa certain hazard classification has been introduced. On the basis of physical and chemical properties, the degree of waste hazard was determined, as well as the conditions for their storage and disposal. Thus, five classes were formed:

  1. Extremely dangerous. Their impact is devastating to the surrounding system. The ecosystem is not able to recover even after a long time.
  2. Dangerous. These waste also have a devastating effect on the ecosystem, but it can recover after a lapse of thirty years.
  3. Low-risk. The ecosystem destroyed under their influence can be restored within ten years.
  4. Low hazardous waste. After their impact, the ecosystem can recover over three years.
  5. Not dangerous. This class does not have a devastating effect on the ecosystem.

Today, waste licensing is mandatory forfirst four classes. For enterprises that deal and perform any activities that are related to these categories, it is necessary to undergo a procedure in accordance with the legislation to confirm that the necessary conditions have been created within the organization, including the requirements for ensuring the safety of personnel in dealing with harmful substances.

The law defines the concept of"waste accumulation". It is understood as a procedure of temporary (not more than six months) storage of these substances. In this case, waste licensing is not required. It is not required for the fifth class of substances. In this case, "non-hazardous waste" is understood as recyclable materials, plastic, waste paper. These substances do not cause any particular harm to the environment. However, environmentalists are against this. In this case, they indicate the harm from burning such debris. For example, when burning plastic in the atmosphere is released dioxin. This substance is a carcinogen, it has a high degree of damage.

The license for garbage disposal today is relevant forenterprises of any organizational and legal form, including for producers of various goods. Every year more and more harmful substances become, they become more diverse. This, in turn, requires the use of various methods for their processing.

The process of licensing waste includescertain conditions. They also apply to the professional training of employees or the entrepreneur himself (when issuing permission directly to him).

An obligatory requirement for licensingIt is considered the presence of personnel who have been specially trained in the handling of hazardous substances. The relevant body is provided with a program according to which the training of employees was carried out, a document evidencing the professional qualifications and the right to carry out the corresponding activities. These documents are accompanied by a license for the educational activities of the institution that issued the certificate to specialists.

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