Kisses serve as an invariable feature of the manifestation of tenderness between lovers. Loving relationships without them are impossible.

Touching the lips of a loved one with lips makes an inexpressible pleasure, a sense of coveted intimacy with him.

how to kiss the tongue
Love kisses are of a different nature. They can be leisurely, filled with "lazy" non-dumb and caressing. They can be passionate, quick and burning.

The place of "birth" of the idea of ​​kissing with the tongueis considered France. This country, especially among the fair sex, is associated with the theme of love. This image is promoted, for example, by romantic national musical compositions and movies, where loving kissing couples on the background of the Eiffel Tower are frequent guests.

The "French" kiss is voiced by the French as a "kiss of souls". And, as a joke, they call it one of the ways to stop the partner's verbal flow and, finally, move on to the "business."

We have not given birth since birth many skills, includingand the skill, how to kiss the tongue. In order to receive true pleasure from kisses, and at the same time, what is important, to give pleasure to loved ones, you need to know some nuances with the mutual contact of lips and tongues.

There is an option to practice on inanimatesubjects. For example, to help you learn how to kiss the tongue, there may be known techniques for practicing skillful actions on tomatoes. Sucking and stroking movements of the tongue at the location of the tail of the vegetable, which is a small depression, are made.

Perhaps such activities look stupid, and, of course, the ideal and correct method of accumulating knowledge about how to kiss the language correctly, will be mutual learning directly with loved ones.

Rules and techniques of the "French" kiss

First, it is worth learning that excitement, fear of what will turn out badly, and haste are the main enemies for harmonious and fabulous kisses.

Trying to forget about the trembling in my knees, leisurelyget close to your partner and gently touch his mouth. Having felt all the warmth of contact, slowly open your mouth and, before you start to "explore" and caress the depths of the cavity, gently move the tongue over your lips.


Then comes the mutual improvisation and strict advice, how to kiss the language, to give difficult. Lovers can both actively use languages, and alternate passivity with activity.

Widely open your mouth when kissing - not a good idea. Wisely will keep it slightly ajar during the whole kiss.

To direct your tongue towards the partner, and, "punching" the tips, gently rub it with them - one this elementary process will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Suction of languages ​​should be alternate. When you strive to do this, there is the difficulty of "taking over." No need to hurry. A convenient moment will surely come - you just need to wait for the chance, feel it and act.

how to kiss the tongue

Stimulation of the surface of the sky also takes place. Just take into account that it is not like everyone likes. In some people such preludes can cause a vomitive reflex.

Of course, there are clear limits on the durationthere are no kisses. This is a purely individual moment, but it's important to finish kissing with the tongue - an important detail. The final "chord" is recommended as follows: again slowly unbend the head, slowly take out the tongue and "farewell" to slip them on the lips.

To the basic database of tips on how to kiss the language, do not hesitate to add the following.

Planning a meeting, it is not superfluous to prepareto the upcoming kisses. Brush your teeth, stock up with chewing gums or candy. Girls should think about the type of lipstick, so as not to "feed" her beloved and not spoil the fun.

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