Many guys wonder: "How do you know that you like a girl?" Let's talk about the signs by which this can be determined.

how to know that you like a girl
The girl does not take your eyes off you all the time

Do not be afraid that she does not like you. Some guys who have complexes, the attention of the girls gives rise to the idea that they may not like them. It is necessary to understand that the girl shows interest on a certain basis. Maybe the question in her head is: "Do I like a man sitting opposite?". Therefore, it shows, as it seems to you, increased attention to your person.

She is not distracted by anything and does not follow the times

When you tell something interesting to the girl,she will be a very attentive listener, and also will sincerely laugh at the jokes. All her attention comes down to you. She will show all her appearance that she's having fun, especially in your company. So you do not have to ask yourself the question: "Do I like her?", But be sure of it.

She tries to bend over to you or licks her lips

She wants you to be heard better. She wants to create a sense of intimacy with you. And she also wants to please you and get approval. If you give a little attention to the girl, it will make her be desired.

do I like a man
How to know that you like a girl, by touch?

When a girl you like, you want to feelits near. Sometimes you can hurt her in a friendly way. This will help reduce mistrust and get closer. Also, girls use all sorts of tricks to feel you closer. Provoke her so she wants to touch!

Let her think that you touched her first

While your communication passes without touch,follow her and notice the pronounced signs of sympathy, as to find out that you like the girl, otherwise it will not work. These manifestations are non-verbal, that is, a girl can, for example, play with her hair or bite her finger. Every woman has her own ways of subconscious sympathy.

She does not see anything around

do I like her
If you like her, she will not notice anything around. Passers-by do not get even a glance from her. If it dissolves in your communication, then this is a clear sign of sympathy.

How do you know that you like a girl during a conversation?

Very easy! Think, how would you answer a girl if she was cute to you? For example, if a girl very rarely agrees to meet with you, then maybe she does not like you. If you were a little cute, she probably would have found time to take a walk. Each girl is individual, and all have different reactions to the same situation. Whatever it was, but the girls are the same people as the guys. If the girl is done badly, then she will react the same way as the other person. For example, how will you treat a person if he does not remind you about himself for a week or two, although he knows that you have a phone that he can always call? As soon as the answer to this question is: "You just do not need", then forget such a person, even if it's a girl whom you sympathize with.

Now you know how to understand that a pretty girl. Be sure to follow her facial expressions and gestures.

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