Not all people who meet us in life,polite and courteous. Very often we have to face rudeness and rudeness. Lack of culture and elementary rules of behavior for many has become the norm. To deal with such people is unpleasant. Sometimes they say a few words can spoil the mood for the whole day. How to act correctly? How to respond to rudeness with rudeness, and will this be true?

how to respond to rudeness with rudeness

Why people are rude

There are many reasons why a personbecomes rough. Most often, such people have some problems in their personal, family or professional life. Offending others, they spit out negative emotions and feel relief. As a result, for many this behavior becomes familiar. It's difficult to communicate with such people. For this it is necessary to know well how to respond to rudeness: rudeness, a joke or a smile. It often happens that a person from the very childhood gets used to rudeness in the family and considers such a lifestyle a norm. In this case, he hardly understands that he offends and humiliates someone in his own words. There are people who are called "energy vampires". They "eat" the emotions of others, as a rule, negative. After communicating with them, a person feels a breakdown, headaches and so on.

How to learn to respond to rudeness
how to respond to the rudeness of a phrase

There are a number of methods that can helpcope with the rude and avoid a conflict situation. First of all, you need to learn to contain your emotions. After all, most often the offender just needs to quarrel, and it does not matter with whom. Seeing your calm and self-control, he, most likely, will back down. Respond to all attacks lightly and confidently. It is not necessary to be cautious and humble, it will only spur it. If you see that the conflict is inflaming, try to agree with accusations in your address. The aggressor expects you to confront, and when you hear that you agree with him, he will be confused. Well, let him think you are not the best member of society. Everyone has the right to his own opinion. Many people ask themselves: "How to respond to rudeness with rudeness?" This is usually the first reaction to rudeness. Insult in this case, each other can be very long, but the results are no good. If you still decide to go this way, then remember that you will not return what has been said. Very carefully choose the words. Undoubtedly exclude obscene language.

how to learn to respond to rudeness

How to avoid tactless questions

If you are lost in unpleasant situations and do notyou know how to respond to rudeness, phrases and words memorized by heart, will always come to the rescue. Very often even the most cultured people ask tactless questions that they do not want to answer. Try to answer the question with a question. For example: "Why do you ask?" Or "Why are you interested?" A person educated will understand that it is not worth developing this topic. If this did not happen, you can directly and decisively tell the insolent one that you do not want to discuss it. Knowing how to respond to rudeness - rudeness or showing miracles of self-control - you can become more confident and achieve more in life.

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