The culture of Ancient Rome had a significant impact on thethe development of European and world history. Back in those days, traditional values, norms of social life and socio-psychological patterns of behavior were laid, which for thousands of years were the basis of European enlightenment. Rome was also the "founder" of democracy, the separation of power and civil responsibility, which indicates a high social level of development, which contributed to the formation of a strong and developed state.

The culture of ancient Rome
Originally the culture of Ancient Rome was developingunder the influence of the Greek and Etruscan peoples, but later the Romans in many ways surpassed their teachers, reaching a worthy admiration for the heights. It all began with a religion that recognized the power of spirits and deities. Since the Roman pantheon was always open to "alien" forces, it was believed that the new deities only increase the power of the Roman inhabitants, therefore the mythology of Rome began to identify its gods with the Greek.

It was also with philosophy and literature. Initially, Greek sages and writers "became" Roman, and their works were translated into Latin, but then, studying the works of great philosophers and supplementing the conclusions with their own experience, many truly Roman great writers and scholars demonstrated their abilities. So the culture of Ancient Rome was born.

Further development took place in all spheresculture. In the architecture, the Romans made a significant step forward. They preferred to build buildings that more corresponded to practical needs and emphasized the power that suppresses a person with their greatness, rather than a temple (spiritual) complex. As a result, they have new types of structures (amphitheater, term and basil) and structures (arches, domes, pillars).
Culture of ancient Rome in brief

The culture of Ancient Rome briefly describes andsome achievements of Greece, because during their conquests the Romans exported from the Hellenistic states a large number of values ​​and works of art. These trophies were later copied, which, unfortunately, prevented the development of their own painting and sculpture. Thus, the artistic culture of Ancient Rome was characterized by a fairly good development of only the portrait genre (statues depicting a figure in toga, busts), which was distinguished by the simplicity and accuracy of the image.
The artistic culture of ancient Rome
As already mentioned, the main feature of thinking isRomans was practical, which contributed to the development of applied sciences. In connection with this, a high level was reached by jurisprudence, on which numerous literary masterpieces reached us. In addition, new household utensils, glass and bronze ware, water mills, appliances for heating premises and water heating, and many other things were "invented".

One of the reasons that the culture of Ancient Romeprosperity, improvement of the material and economic situation of the empire, which provided the necessary conditions for the formation of values, gave rise to the ancient intelligentsia (poets, teachers, philosophers and other masters of the arts).

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