To study the history of ancient Russia usually begin withcalling the Varangians to the Principality. A few words in the textbooks are told about the foundation of Kiev by the legendary Prince Kiy, his brothers and sister, about the death of Askold and Dir, about Oleg's campaigns for Byzantium, Svyatoslav for the Khazars, about the feuds for the throne. Attention is paid only to the period from the baptism of the ancient Russian power, emphasizing it as the beginning of the heyday of the region. But, as recent studies confirm, before the arrival of Scandinavians and enlighteners from Greece, the Slavs were highly developed people. Not just idolaters who did not know the letters, but a community with a unique way, established traditions, own writing-runes and a special religion based on the worship of the forces of nature.

crochet slave character

Signs from the past

In everyday life, the Slavs used differentsigns, symbols, with the help of which they were protected from evil forces, natural elements, renewed energy, fed the mind and united with Rod - not just a deity, but with all generations that existed before them and will exist after. There were a lot of symbols from the ancestors of Ukrainians, Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Bulgarians and other fraternal peoples. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Solar signs (solar) - thunder sign, triskel, cross, colourack. Kolovorot is a Slavic symbol, the most famous of this group.
  • Signs of the earth, nature, fertility - a sign of the field sown and not seeded, a flower of a fern, a world tree, a forest.
  • Symbols of water life-giving (heavenly, rain) and sacred underground (river, spring).
  • Symbols of the fire of heaven and earth.
  • Signs of air and space.
  • Symbols of a union of two beginnings.
  • Signs of perfection, ideal - the golden mean, the egg.

 Vedic and Slavic symbols

The most famous symbol

When they speak about the sacred signs of the ancient Slavs,who did not know what Christianity is, then the first thing that comes to mind is the sign of the Kolovrat, or the colossus, a Slavic symbol that looks like a cross with bent ends. This was later much associated with fascism, since the swastika became their main emblem. But, maybe, and therefore the German army was so strong, because the sign of the sun is the strongest amulet. And the first finds of this image were made forty thousand years ago. And then people believed that Kolovrat - a positive sign. But after the victory over Hitler, the whole world began to struggle with what reminded him of it. And now, from the memory of the people, they are trying to erase the symbol of the colossus. What is this - good or evil? Let's figure it out.


The oldest symbol represents the sun - the most importantthe heavenly body, the source of heat and light, and also his way through the sky. On the same road went two more gods, who occupied important places in the pantheon: Svarog and Horse. Looks Slavic Kolovrat as follows: in the circle ("colo") are placed eight rays, which converge at one point (center). The ends of the rays are bent only in one direction, which means the continuous rotation of the celestial wheel, its motion. Some researchers see a system of the universe in the colovrat, because in the universe everything moves in a circular orbit: both planets and atoms. And although science believes that the Slavs could not have known about this in those days, after all their knowledge was very extensive.

colonism symbolism

Visible symbolism of the colourable

Our ancestors carefully observed the movementcelestial bodies. The trajectories of the moon, the stars and, of course, the Sun, they studied thoroughly. They saw that if the polar star, the summer and winter solstice places, the Big and the Small Bucket (the constellation of the Bears, large and small) are conventionally connected, then clearly one can see the Kolovrat. That is why the sacred sign played such a significant role in the life of the Slavs, as the sun itself.

Solar, that is solar, a symbol, whichis a swastika, often depicted on arms, dishes, clothes and even on the shrines where idols stood. People endowed him with the strongest protective action, believed that he drove away the dark forces, as if by divine fire spiritual and physical illnesses were burned. The golden curl (the Slavic symbol) was depicted on the scarlet banner of Prince Svyatoslav the Brave, who was famous for his fearlessness and numerous military victories. Yes, and after the baptism of Rus, the sign did not disappear, but decorated with embroidered towels and shirts, walls of temples, pottery.

Slavic Kolovrat

Hidden Symbolism

It is worth noting that Kolovrat can be different. By one of its meanings, the sign protected the world of the living (Rule) from all bad, reminded of the eternal. And on the other hand, he helped to communicate with the secret, hidden from the eyes of the people of the other world. Everything depended on the direction in which the rays rotate. By the same principle, the guard was divided into female and male. If the rays of the swastika were following the course of the sun (the salting ground), then it was worn by representatives of the stronger sex, the bellows adorned the women.

 the symbol of what it is

Undecidedly forgotten

Vedic and Slavic symbols are few todayIt is studied, but it is of interest not only for researchers and scientists. More and more people are trying to eliminate the unfair treatment of the swastika. After all, it was not she who brought so many troubles to our planet, but the people who used it. Similarly, many crimes committed Soviet power under the red star, and she still decorates the form of the Russian army. And the main Christian sign on the banners of knights-crusaders carried to the eastern lands distemper, rivers of blood and devastation. But no one even thinks of banning them, like a bulge - a Slavic symbol of the sun.

The modern generation is keenly interested in the cultural heritage of its ancestors. After all, it is time to abandon the stranger, forcedly imposed, and return to the original sources, to find their true "I".

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