We read A. Pisemsky "Vzbalamuchenoe the sea": "The language you have, apparently, without pits, just as it bends to every word ..." About whom or what does the writer say about this? The meaning of phraseology "tongue without bones" will help to understand.

Phraseological unit

About phraseology said a lot. But we will remember once again, to be thoroughly prepared for what will be discussed in the future. So, a phraseological unit is a stable holistic image, the meaning of which is in no way connected with the semantics of each element that is included in its composition.

the meaning of phraseology is a tongue without bones

For example, the meaning of phraseology "language withoutbones "one - excessive talkativeness, talkativeness. And it, in its turn, is in no way connected with the meaning of the lexemes included in it - "language" and "bone".


At school, students often receive the assignment: "Explain the meaning of phraseological units." "A tongue without bones" is an expression that requires detailed analysis. Well, the question is interesting, and it will help us to answer it with a phrase dictionary of the Russian language, in which frequently used expressions are collected. We open it, and here is what information it offers to us: the value of phraseology "tongue without bones" is both a chatterbox and a man who talks too much, usually without thinking about the consequences, and an ordinary fool.


The origin of this figurative expression is notno information. Presumably it is from a group of not borrowed, but primordially Russian expressions. The fact is that this image was formed by the people not by chance. Person, even in the absence of knowledge and education, is inherent in observation. People have long paid attention to one feature of the human body: there really is no bone in the tongue, it's a muscle. And what are bones? In the understanding of the common man, this is a certain framework for the organs, which serves as a barrier. Often after a hard, debilitating work, the bones tend to "ache and ache." Well, the conclusion suggests itself: if the tongue does not have a single bone, and no one and nothing holds it and does not brake, then it is excessively flexible, resourceful and can turn in the wrong direction. Very similar to a chatterbox or a talker, is not it?

explain the meaning of phraseology bony tongue

The meaning of phraseology "tongue without bones"the talker, chatting incessantly - like his image, are also found in foreign phraseological phrases. For example, in Arabic - "a language without pits, but it hurts"; in Kirghiz - "tongue without bones, where you direct, there and turns"; in Karelian - "tongue without bones does not get tired" and others. This is evidence that the people are the creator of it, and it came to us from ancient times.

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