The red blood salt is apotassium crystals of ferricyanide. This substance is synthesized in artificial conditions and is used in the chemical industry. By the way, this substance is known in the world and under a different name - hexacyanoferrate (III) of potassium.

Red blood salt and its properties

Potassium hexacyanoferrate is an artificial crystal with a monoclinic structure. Blood salt has a characteristic rich red color, which is reflected in its name.

Crystals are transparent, translucent if availableSveta. Interestingly, the larger the crystal, the more saturated the color becomes. The substance is not oxidized under the influence of air, but it dissolves perfectly in water with the formation of an orange or green-yellow solution. The weathering of potassium hexacyanoferrate occurs only when heated.

When reacting with acids, a toxicsubstance. That is why red blood salt is considered a powerful poison. When ingested in the digestive system, the substance reacts with gastric acids. For humans, the lethal dose is approximately four grams.

Red blood salt and its use

Potassium hexacyanoferrate is used in the manufacture of a variety of electrical engineering. In addition, solutions of the substance are used in the process of developing photographs.

The aqueous solution of this product has found its application in the chemical industry. Here it is used as a reagent for the detection of iron ions.

Blood salt is also used in pyrotechnics. Sometimes it produces cyanide.

Rules for storing red blood salt

Because this substance has a hightoxicity, then you should treat it with extreme caution. The crystals must be protected from acids, water and steam. As the reagent starts to weaken when heated, it must be protected from exposure to high temperatures. Potassium hexacyanoferrate should be stored at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees Celsius.

Do not expose crystals to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. And one more important point: after working with the substance, you should always wash your hands thoroughly.

Yellow blood salt and its properties

Yellow blood salt is another fairly well-known substance, which is yellow transparent crystals.

This substance is known and under othernames, for example, hexacyanoferate (II) of potassium, yellow sinkali. The history of such a trivial name as yellow blood salt is interesting. The fact is that at one time it was obtained by fusing with iron filings and potash blood and other waste from slaughterhouses.

This substance is gradually eroded byair, so crystals, as a rule, are covered with a thin layer of protective varnish. The substance is well diluted in water, forming solutions of bright yellow color. When heated, the weathering process begins. Like the previous element, the yellow salt is poisonous to the human body, because it quickly interacts with stomach acids, forming heavy toxins.

Therefore, the storage conditions of crystals are similar - one should not expose them to water, acids, moisture, sun rays.

Use of yellow blood salt

This substance is widely used in modernindustry. For example, color pigments are made from salt. Some derivatives of yellow salt are used in the textile industry in the dyeing of fabrics, in particular silk.

Yellow salt is widely used in analyticalchemistry for the detection in a solution of ions of certain substances. For example, when a salt reacts with ferric ions, a very characteristic precipitate is formed, called "Berlin blue". When interacting with zinc, a white precipitate of salt is obtained. And during the reaction with the kuprum, a reddish-orange precipitate is obtained.

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