The functions of science are singled out depending on the general purpose of its branches and their role in mastering the surrounding world with a constructive goal. The functions of science Is an external manifestation of any of itsessential properties. They can be judged on the possibilities of participating in solving the problems posed to society and the ability to create more favorable conditions for people's lives and the development of culture.

The functions of science are distinguished by the main types of activity of researchers, their main tasks, as well as the scope of application of the acquired knowledge. In this way, basic functions of science can be defined as cognitive, philosophical, industrial, social and cultural.

Cognitive function is the fundamental, given by the very essencescience, the purpose of which is to cognize nature, man and society as a whole, as well as in the rational and theoretical comprehension of the world, the explanation of processes and phenomena, the discovery of laws and laws, the implementation of forecasting, etc. This function is reduced to the production of new scientific knowledge.

Worldview function in many ways interwoven with the cognitive. They are interrelated, since its purpose is to develop a scientific picture of the world and its corresponding worldview. Also, this function involves exploring the rationalistic attitude of man to the world, developing a scientific understanding of the world, which means that scientists (along with philosophers) must develop scientific worldview universals and corresponding value orientations.

Production function, which can also be calledtechnical and technological function, is necessary for the introduction of innovations, new forms of organization of processes, technologies and scientific innovations in the manufacturing industries. In connection with this, science turns into a productive force, working for the benefit of society, a kind of "shop" in which new ideas and their incarnations are developed and introduced. In this respect, scientists are even sometimes referred to as production workers, which fully characterizes the productive function of science.

Social function began to be allocated especially inLately. This is due to the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution. In this regard, science is becoming a social force. This is manifested in situations where science data are used in developing programs of social and economic development. Since such plans and programs are of a complex nature, their development presupposes a close interaction of various branches of natural, social and technical sciences.

Cultural functions science (or educational) is reduced to the fact thatscience is a kind of phenomenon of culture, an important factor in the development of people, their education and upbringing. The achievements of science significantly affect the teaching and upbringing process, the content of education programs, technology, methods and form of education. This function is realized through the system of education, media, publicistic and educational activities of scientists.

Structure and function of science closely connected. Objective existence includes three main spheres: nature, man and society. In connection with this, three main elements are distinguished in the structure of science. In the realm of reality, scientific knowledge is divided into natural science (science of nature) and social science (the science of man and the science of society).

Natural science explores everything that relates tonature. It reflects the logic of nature. The structure of natural science teachings and knowledge is complex and diverse. It includes knowledge about the substance, the interaction of substances, chemical elements, living matter, the Earth, the Cosmos. Hence the development of fundamental natural sciences.

Social studies studies social phenomena,systems, their structures, processes and states. These sciences give knowledge about various social connections and relations between people. Scientific knowledge of the society unites three areas: sociological, economic and state-legal.

A separate direction is knowledge about the person and his consciousness.

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