The adverb is the developing part of speech. Linguists who study the Old Russian language, argue that even in ancient Russian scriptures there were adverbs. Even then, their first groups and subgroups were outlined according to the methods of formation and morphological meanings.

Adverbs in sentences more often perform the syntactic role of circumstances. By lexical significance, two groups are distinguished: circumstantial and definitive categories of adverbs.

Definitive Adverbs

These adverbs denote quantitative and qualitative signs of action, state and other characteristics. Ranks of adverbs are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Quantitative adverbs. Denote the degree of quality and the measure of the action, answer the questions: to what extent? how? (examples are few, doubly, slightly, full, up to dark, many, almost).
  2. Qualitative adverbs. Are formed from qualitative adjectives, determine the quality of a feature or an object, answer the question how? (examples - weak, modest, fast, dark, slow)
  3. Image and degree of action. The adverb characterizes how actions are performed, answers questions: how? as? (examples - to smithereens, blindly, stealthily, to the touch)

Adverbial adverbs

Circumstances of adverbs describe the target, temporal, causal and spatial relationships. Divided into 4 groups:

  1. Adverbs of the place. Point to the scene, answer the questions: where? whence? where? (examples - right, left, top, here, everywhere, there, there).
  2. Adverbs of time. Point out the time of the actions, answer the questions: since when? How long? when? (examples - today, yesterday, constantly, sometimes, daily, in the summer, in the spring, until now).
  3. Adverbs of the goal. Denote the purpose of the action, that is, why this action is performed, answer the question: for what purpose? what for? (examples - for show, out of spite, accidentally, accidentally, intentionally, intentionally).
  4. Adverbs of reason. The reason, because of which the actions occur, is answered with the question: why? (examples - because, from the heat, from evil, through stupidity, gift, blindness).

Adverbs also relate to other independent parts of speech - adjectives, nouns, verbs, pronouns, numerals and gerunds.

The formation of adverbs occurs in several ways:

  1. Fusion of prepositions with an independent part of speech with simultaneous rethinking of the case form and its transformation into several separate words.
  2. Repetition of words with additionprepositions-prefixes (for example, on) to the form of adverb (example - dry-dry). Repetition of the same word in different case forms (examples - white-white, black-black). Also use a repetition of words with a synonymous meaning (examples - strong-firmly, similarly-pozdorovu).
  3. The transition from one to another part of speech. So, widespread reinterpretation of gerunds by loss of species and temporal meanings (examples - lying, standing, unwillingly, immediately).
  4. The formation of adverbs by adding suffixes tobased on the adjective and participle present tense (examples - singing, broad, menacing, friendly). Also this method is applied to quantitative numerals (once, twice).
  5. Suffix-prefix method. Adverbs are formed from pronouns and adjectives with the help of two suffixes-emu and -omu. Also add a prefix (examples - the old, the spring, in a new, in a good way, in English).
  6. Also adverbs can be formed from stable expressions, which are used in the form of circumstances (examples - by hand, through the sleeves, upside down, no light is dawn than light, hastily).

it - the main ways of education of adverbs.

Spelling of Adverbs

One of the most difficult sections is the rules of spelling, which are subject to different categories of adverbs. However, writing the majority of them should be simply remembered.

Adverbs perform one of the important functions of speech: they supplement the grammatical basis and clarify spoken or written phrases.

To the morphological features of this part of speechlinguists attribute the immutability of adverbs, that is, the absence of several forms of changes in numbers and cases, and the presence of certain derivational suffixes.

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