Tattooing is one of the most common formsbody decorations. If once the tattoo was a mandatory identification mark of thieves in the law and other moves to places not so remote, the military, now it is a popular product of the youth subculture, the distinctive caste sign of fighters of martial arts, magicians, etc.

The hidden meaning of the symbol

scorpion tattoo
Scorpio is one of the most dangerous living creatures in the world.Earth. His poison is endowed with such a deadly force, which can not be ignored. At the same time, in the religions of many peoples, this insect deified and symbolized wisdom, power and immortality. Therefore, a scorpion tattoo can afford to do only a bright, creative person with a large supply of will and energy. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the Chinese, the image of a spider could protect a person from a real scorpion, rendering harmless his poison. It also protected from evil demons, unkind people and in general everything that harmed people who worshiped their deity. On the other hand, the tattoo of the scorpion on the body hinted to others that its carrier is capable of standing up for himself, and therefore it is better not to touch it. However, sometimes everything is much simpler. A man is born under this sign of the Zodiac, which he wants to tell the world about by making a proper tattoo. No more. And he does not put any hidden meaning into the bright, frightening drawing. However, the essence of the figure does not change from this. Scorpion tattoo for the initiated still means the dialectic of life and death, the all-destroying and eternally creative beginnings. Therefore, such a pattern is especially common among immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, South and East Asia. In the mythology of Tibet, Ancient Greece, scorpions play a crucial role and are also the subject of special worship and worship. Various echoes of the cultural traditions of different nations on this topic are reflected even in the Bible. That's what a wide cultural and historical aspect contains a scorpion tattoo!

Color and tattoo format

scorpion tattoo meaning
The color of scorpions in living nature is expressed by threebasic shades: black, brown, golden. And tattoos with them, too, usually make one-color - gray or black. Thus, the master at a visual level transmits a hidden and obvious threat emanating from the arachnid. The meaning of a scorpion tattoo is easy to understand: from a person whose body he adorns, you can not hide anywhere. The threat is growing with the red color scheme, in which they like to conclude their work as a master of tattooing. If we talk about the styles of drawings, there are two of them: naturalistic and fantastic. In the naturalistic, the natural details of the appearance of the being are reproduced with special attention to the tail and claws. In a fantastic creature is depicted in the form of a claw, a flower, a stone.
value of tattoo scorpion
And the scorpion (tattoo) has the following meaning: men apply it as a memory of the hot spots in which they had to fight. If the stinger is raised, this means: the soldier saw the enemies in the face, he had to shoot live targets. The identical meaning has a tattoo on which instead of stings a fist or a bomb is punctured.

Female sex does not mean weak!

double scorpion
In recent years, 15 tattoos have been adorned not onlycourageous torsos of a strong half of humanity, but also pampered girlish bodies. And women have no less fashion for scorpions! This is explained simply: in addition to a stylish, exotic figure, involuntarily attracting a male look, the lady makes it clear to everyone: she is small, but not defenseless and can stand up for herself! Here such hidden interesting information about people is given out to a knowledgeable person their tattoos!

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