Eye tattoo, reviews about which can be found on the webInternet - a kind of permanent make-up, performed in the lower or upper eyelid. There are several of its types: it can be flirty "arrows" in the corners of the eyes, imitation of the eyeliner at the base of the lashes on the upper or lower eyelids, or the finest intermittent line.

Intersectional eye tattooing is aThe easiest version is its version: it takes the least time to do it. The eyelids with this procedure are painted over in the zone of eyelash growth, which after tattooing seem much thicker. This kind of permanent make-up is suitable for everyone without exception. It looks most natural, so it can be recommended to both young and mature women. Eyes with an intermittent tattoo look more expressive, but the feeling that they are tinted does not arise. Sometimes it can be performed not by a solid line, but by separate points.

Very popular is the permanent eye tattoo,performed in the form of podvodki - he for a long time eliminates the need to "draw" a line on the upper or lower eyelid. Especially it is pleasant to girls who conduct an active way of life and spend a lot of time in a sports hall or pool: having made such tattoo of eyes, reviews about which speak about its durability, it is possible not to worry about the appearance. The liner makes the eyes brighter and more expressive, in addition, allows you to slightly adjust their shape. To do this, use the so-called "shading". This type of tattoo involves stretching the color from the outside of the line of the liner. Thus, on the century, the effect of make-up with the help of shadows is created. Unlike clearly-drawn, often aggressive "shooters", this tattoo of the eyes (the reviews confirm this) looks more gentle and romantic.

With regard to the choice of colors for eyeliner and"Arrow", it should be understood: the black color that the majority chooses is the most persistent. In most cases, it only brightens a little, but almost never fades completely. On the one hand, this property is, it would seem, its advantage. However, not all so simple. Over time, the eyelids slightly hang, their shape changes. As a consequence - the shape of the "shooter" can be distorted, "swam", spoiling the tattoo of the eyes. The reviews available on various sites indicate that such cases are not uncommon.

In addition, it can not be ruled out that the"Arrows" can trite you or just get out of fashion - and getting rid of them will not be so easy! Therefore, it makes sense, especially for blondes, to choose other colors for tattooing eyelids - for example, gray, greenish or blue, under the color of the eyes. The most unfortunate is the choice of brown pigment. This tattoo of the eyes (the reviews say this) loses its coloring the quickest, acquiring a reddish hue. As a consequence, brown eyeliner requires more frequent correction.

The procedure for eye tattooing is performed usinglocal anesthesia. For this, an EMLA cream based on lidocaine is usually used. The effect of its use lasts about four hours - this time is quite enough. Within a few days after the procedure, the eyelids will be swollen. In some cases, the so-called post-traumatic conjunctivitis may develop. Particularly great chances to get this complication in the event that you did tattoo eyelids from an unskilled master working at home. To avoid possible negative consequences of this procedure, only high-level specialists working on modern equipment should be contacted. Only a real professional will be able to hold eye tattoos not only safely, but also qualitatively, having discussed with you in advance the shape and color of the "shooter" or podvodki, and expressing his recommendations on this matter.

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