Not all women dream of golden tan. Many ladies of different ages decide how make the face pale at home. It would seem that tan in modern conditions is valued more aristocratic pallor. However, not everyone likes it.

Sunburn does not always turn out beautiful, at leastbecause it can lie unevenly, as a result of which somewhere the skin will be dark, and somewhere will remain white. In addition, some types of appearance is simply not going. White skin with the same color of hair and eyes looks good. How to make a pale face at home? In this article we will try to answer this question.

how to make a pale face

Indications for bleaching

How to make a pale face and why is it even necessary? Skin lightening is recommended in the following cases:

  • in the presence of scars and scars from acne;
  • if there are scars from skin lesions;
  • ugly complexion (yellowish or the presence of red spots);
  • unsuccessful sunburn;
  • pigmentation of the skin, that is, freckles.

Causes of uneven complexion

Before answering the question of how to make a pale face, it is necessary to understand what is causing the ugly skin color. The list of factors that are capable of spoiling a person can include:

  • problems with digestion, which can be resolved with the use of special drugs that regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin supplements, ration changes;
  • insufficient or improper skin care, allergic reaction to cosmetic product, drying or vice versa excessive saturation of the skin with fatty acids;
  • manifestation of allergy;
  • poor-quality or improperly selected make-up.

Without eliminating the root cause, it's impossible to effectively whiten the face.

To obtain the required result,correctly choose the time for the procedure performed at home. The best effect can be obtained only in the period of the least activity of the sun (it is ultraviolet rays responsible for the production of melanin in skin cells and the appearance of pigment spots). This time is autumn, when the weather is mostly rainy.

how to make a pale face at home

Two-stage whitening

How to make a pale face yourself? The process of bleaching, conducted at home, includes two stages:

  • Peeling.
  • Cosmetic masks.

Peeling is necessary for removal from the skin surfacedead flakes, the most diverse contaminants and accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin. The procedure is carried out by applying to the skin of the face gruel from one part of the borax and five parts of warm water, ground into a homogeneous mass. The mask should be applied evenly and left to dry completely, after which it should be washed off. For effective skin cleansing, a course is needed that includes five procedures that should be performed once a week. At the end of the course, the skin is prepared to be exposed to masks.

Clarifying masks can include clay, hydrogen peroxide, as well as rosemary and citrus oil. In addition, to lighten the skin integrate the juice of cucumber or parsley.

how to make your face look pale

Lemon juice

How to make a pale complexion? Lemon juice has clarifying properties. To achieve the desired result, you can wipe the face with a soaked juice with a tampon or lemon slice. The skin before this simple procedure should be cleaned with the help of special tools.

Similar properties have other juices containing acids, namely grapefruit, blackcurrant and cucumber.

Whitening lotions, creams, ointments and serums

How to make a pale face? To date, there are a great many cosmetic products that help to acquire an even skin color, saving it from all imperfections.

The list of such funds often includes those that are made on the basis of an extract of cucumber or lemon. Such cosmetics not only whiten the skin, but also cleans and refreshes it.

how to make a pale complexion

Masks based on fermented milk products

How to make the skin of the face white and pale? Kefir, curd and sour cream mask refreshesskin and help to smooth the complexion. It is necessary to apply a small amount of dairy product on a pre-cleaned skin with a uniform layer. After that, this mask should remain on the face for ten to fifteen minutes, and then rinse with warm water.


The diet of any person,he wants to lighten his skin or not, should be balanced. A person who wants to level the color of his face needs to add to his diet more products containing vitamin C, because he is involved in the synthesis of collagen and antioxidants, which not only slow the aging process, but also prevent the appearance of pigment spots.

how to make the skin of the face white and pale

Makeup and hairstyle

All of the above measures allow you to getlet and steady, but nevertheless not fast result. If it is necessary to lighten the skin and level its tone, you can use makeup. For this purpose, you can use a toning cream of a lighter shade than a natural one. However, choosing a too light foundation is not worth it, since it will be very noticeable. It is extremely important when using cosmetics to tonify not only the face, but also the neck, so as not to create unnecessary contrast.

However, not only a foundation can visuallyto make the skin pale. Eye shadow and lipstick for darker shades can also help with this. The same can be said about the hair color: the darker the curls, the more light the skin looks. And all because of the contrast created.


If you want the skin to look lighter,then in addition to caring for her and appropriate make-up, you need to properly choose clothes. Make the face more white with the help of dark wardrobe elements. It is not necessary to wear all the time black, since it is possible to emphasize not only the whiteness of the skin, but also its shortcomings. The main thing to consider when choosing clothes is the contrast created. So, things of pastel tones and white are best not to wear, if you want to seem paler.

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