Pokemon the ancients are rarely found as in the series,and in the games of this universe. The reason for this lies in their dying form. At the moment, from the first six generations only eight pets with their evolutionary forms are known. They differ in strength and have different strong attacks. To get such a fighter in his collection is the task of every coach, so you need to know their varieties.

First generation

The initial seasons of the series immediately showed the audience,who are such Pokémon and why are they so strong. The first was the Omanite, a small pocket monster that looks like a snail. Its shell is hard. He, like his evolutionary form Omastar, has attacks of stone and water types.

Pokemon Ancient
It is extremely rare and in games most oftenis grown with the help of an incubator and a fossil. The second known Pokémon of this category was Kabuto, an ancient tortoise with a smooth shell. They in ancient times inhabited the beaches, and there were a lot of them. After reaching the 40th level in games, there is an evolution in Kaboutops. This water predator has adapted to life on earth, as its prey left the water area. Only some ancient Pokémon can be compared to him in strength. His deadly blade on his paws can deal a lot of damage in a matter of seconds. The last of this species is Aerodactyl - a monster, which in structure is very similar to the flying dinosaur pterodactyl. Has attacks of flying and dragon type.
ancient Pokémon

Further varieties

Pokemon ancients were also represented in the followinggenerations. The most primitive of them was Anorit, which was more like a bacterium, because he could only exist in the water and did not take any attacking actions. At the 40th level, it evolves into Armaldo and is radically transformed. The body is covered with armor, there is a lot of strength and endurance. A similar situation with Kranidos, but he could defend himself with a strong shell on his head. Its evolutionary form Rampardos is capable of frontal attacks to destroy enemies even at long distances. The last in this triple is Sheldon, who specializes in protection thanks to a body covered with armor. At the 30th level, he turns into Bastiiodon. No Pokemon the ancients will be able to break through the defense of a number of such fighters, even Rampardos himself.

ancient Pokémon in mayncecraft

Recent known species

The list of creatures closes under the names of Tirthuga andArchen. The first pokemon is included in the list of stone water, and the second is considered the ancestor of all birds. Their second forms - Carrakosta and Archeopus - are of impressive size, as well as strength. The first is capable of destroying the tanker with one stroke, and the speed of the second reaches the parameters of sound. All the ancient Pokémon in the "Meincraft" are present and can be withdrawn. To do this, you need to create an incubator that animates them, and also have an ore with a fossil inside. The player will not be able to find out who he is going to withdraw until the process is over. With a positive result, the user will get a strong fighter. Certain training and evolution will create from him an invincible monster who will be able to fight on an equal footing with the legendary creatures.

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