So, you created your site, posted it inInternet, and the excitement is not observed, although in your opinion, the site turned out to be wonderfully good. Why is this happening? To understand this, it is necessary to answer the questions: for what purpose was your resource created, to what extent is the information given to the visitor interesting and useful to him, is it convenient for users, is it easy to find it on demand, is it always available, is it fast enough to load and work .

To assess the quality of the website, identify problems, shortcomings and timely correct them will help website monitoring, that is, monitoring the status and development of the resource.

What exactly can you learn while monitoring the website:

  1. audience and geography of visitors, as well as the time spent by them on the site;
  2. words, links and phrases on which the site is located by users in search engines;
  3. Convenience of movement on pages;
  4. problem areas in content, structure, navigation and menus;
  5. evaluate the effectiveness of advertising;
  6. timely receive information about the failure of the site, etc.

All this will help to make a decision in the directionworks to improve the quality and speed of the site. After all, the rating of the resource largely depends on how quickly it is able to respond to a query in the search engines. There are tools that are built into the browser and offer options for improving the performance of sites after a detailed analysis of the code.

How to monitor your site? What tools should I use to competently collect large-scale statistics?

If necessary, monitoring can be done manually. Or rather, his eyes. This is justifiable when you want to track photos and advertisements.

In general, it is necessary to charge this uneasy and time-consuming business with automated services that, among other things, will instantly notify you about problems with access to the site.

At the moment, there is a greata variety of services, both paid and free, offering a service for monitoring resources. For example, Yandex metric, Website monitoring, Google Analytics ... If you want, you can find more detailed information about them on the expanses of the World Wide Web.

Website monitoring in the current realities - not a luxury, but a vital necessity, if you are not indifferent to the fate of your offspring.