how to put the password on the computer

Most PC users preferhide the information stored on their computer, from prying eyes. Why not? It's quite normal. For example, in large organizations passwords are placed on almost every computer, so that no outsider can find out information concerning only employees of the company. After all, there can be stored important documents, accounts, etc., which are intended to be used by intruders. And ordinary users than worse? After all, maybe everyone has younger brothers or sisters who are very interested in what is stored in our folders. That's why we are now studying how to put the password on the computer, in order to protect it from prying eyes. Now almost all users have the Windows 7 program installed, so let's consider the algorithm on its example.

how to put a password on the computer

How to put the password on the computer?

This procedure will not take you much time,all will take no more than 5-10 minutes. So, before you put the password on the computer, you need to come up with it. Many make a serious mistake - they use their name, surname, date of birth or some kind of easy combination of numbers (111111, 222222, etc.) as a security code.
And this is wrong: such a password is very easy to guess to an "intruder", especially if he lives with you and knows a lot about you. Ideal is a code from a combination of Latin letters and numbers - this is difficult to declassify. The best option for you is the following: open any book and remember the word that comes first in your eyes. Now add to it today's date - the password is ready! If you do not have such a good memory, you can write it on a piece of paper and hide it in a secluded place.

So, now let's move on to how to put the password on the computer.

1. Go to the "Start" menu, in the window that appears on the right, select "Control Panel".

2. Look for the "User Accounts" row and click on it, click on the "Create a password for your account" line.

3. Now the previously invented code is entered into both forms presented before you. In the third form you can hammer the clue, just formulate it so that it was clear only to you.

how to remove a password from a computer

4. All fields are filled, now click on the button "Create password". That's all - your computer is under reliable protection from prying eyes.

To check if the password has been set,do the following - exit your account or restart the computer. Just so get on the desktop will not work, on the screen of the monitor there will be a scoreboard "Enter password". As you can see, this is not difficult.

How to remove the password from the computer?

This is done in the same way as when creatingcode. Go to the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel". Find the string "User Accounts" and click on it twice. In the window that opens, go to the item "Deleting your password." Here you will need to enter the code and confirm its deletion.

So, with just a few simple steps, you can now put both the password on the computer and delete it. I hope this article was useful to you!

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