Autobiography is a kind of chroniclehuman life. It is spelled out by the mean language of the official business style, according to a certain pattern. In fact, this is one of the most important documents, without which you will not be employed or in an educational institution. How exactly it should be compiled - now we'll figure it out.

examples of writing an autobiography

Document structure

Here are some examples of writing an autobiography.

  • After taking a blank sheet, skip 2-3 lines from the top. Then, with a capital letter, in the middle write the title: "Autobiography", of course, without quotes. Do not put a point. Then again, skip the line.
  • Next, by indenting the paragraph, place yourselftext. All examples of writing autobiography, by the way, show that it should be written only by hand, legibly and competently. Printed versions are rarely accepted. In the text, the full name, patronymic and surname of the person, date and place of birth (i.e., the number, month, year, state, region, populated point) are given, information about the parents is given.
  • More examples of writing an autobiography indicate that if a person changed for any reason a surname, this should be reflected in the document (reasons, date).
  • Then follows the descriptions of educational institutions, where the education was received, the degree of its completeness, the years of study. If the training is not finished, explain why. This is done in accordance with the chronology.
  • Any examples of writing an autobiography includea description of the professional status, place of work, positions held, including through a trade union or other line. If there are awards and titles, they should be mentioned (when they were handed over and for what). The same applies to scientific works or other publications.
  • If a person who has passed qualification courses, pre-diploma practice, writes an autobiography, the example of writing includes a description of the species, terms, themes, etc.
  • Further mention is made of the involvement / non-inclusion in the judicial bodies of the writer or family members.
  • It is a question of the marital status, the presence of children. The main biographical information of the wife (or husband) is listed.
  • At the end, the writer can additionally indicate about himself all the information that he deems appropriate.
  • At the end to the right is the date, on the left is the signature.

Sample autobiography for employment

autobiography writing example
Here is an example of writing an autobiography for work. "I, Zbrueva Irina Aleksandrovna, was born on April 17, 1969 in Odessa, Odessa region of the Republic of Ukraine, now an independent state. Parents are employees (father is an engineer, mother is a teacher). Single. In 1976, she entered, and in 1986 she graduated from Odessa High School No. 68. Then she entered the Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky, who graduated in 1990 as a teacher of the German language. In the same year, she returned to her native school, where she began teaching in middle and high school. In 2008, she resigned for health reasons (for rehabilitation in foreign clinics after the surgery). Now I feel good again, ready to start my favorite work. I am distinguished by the concentration, discipline, kindness, creative approach to the educational process. During the teaching activity she was repeatedly encouraged by gratitude and letters from the school administration and management. "

Special explanations

an example of writing an autobiography for work
Since the autobiography is an official document, itsit is necessary to make up within the framework of business style. Therefore, there will be inappropriate diminutive and caressing vocabulary, emotionally-appraising epithets, lyrical notes, etc. Also inadmissible is the vocabulary of conversational character and stylistically lowered. Of course, if it is not an autobiography as a literary work.

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