Creativity N.V. Gogol is enveloped in many secrets and mysteries. By itself, the writer's personality was unique and mysterious. Since childhood, he was a special person: because of his illness he had little contact with peers, very sensitive to grievances and failures. Sensitivity of nature came to him from his mother. However, along with the emotionality of the family, a profound love for the Fatherland and enduring moral values ​​were laid in his soul.

Genre Dead Souls

The idea of ​​"Dead Souls" was presented to Gogol A.S. Pushkin. The most unusual in the work, perhaps, is the genre. "Dead Souls" are designated by Gogol as a poem. Literary sources give a fairly clear definition of the poem - lyre epic work, narrating about some events, having a poetic form. It should be noted that initially the poems were exceptionally heroic, remotely reminiscent of the Russian epics. They must necessarily be a story narrative with heroes, events, but at the same time there must be a lyrical beginning.

Dead Souls Genre

Why N.V. Gogol chose this particular genre? "Dead Souls" are a prose work, which describes the adventures of a certain Chichikov. From the point of view of the plot, the work is closer to the picaresque novel. However, the goal is quite different for the author. He seeks not only to talk about the adventures of Chichikov, but to show the absurdity and absurdity of serfdom. In the name itself is put an oxymoron (a combination of incompatible things). The genre of "Dead Souls" by Gogol partially reveals the idea of ​​the author. In it the installation on scale, all-embracing of the image of events is incorporated. Gogol seeks to show all of Russia. The work must also have a lyrical beginning - this is indicated by the genre. "Dead Souls" - a work full of lyrical digressions of the author, arguments about Russia, about the road, about nature. Extensive deviations from the main line of the narrative are introduced into the poem by the philosophical principle. They tell us about what the work was written for. Gogol writes about how Russia perishes because of the injustice, slavery, baseness and meanness of the landowners and officials that exist in it. Chichikov goes from one landowner to another, and each of them personifies one or another vice. And Chichikov himself is more like an anti-hero with clearly traced demonic features.
genre of dead gogol souls

Gogol skillfully transforms the genre. "Dead Souls" is not a poem about a hero, not a novel, not a story. This is a synthetic work that combines several elements. Particularly distinguished in its structure is an insertion element - "The Story of Captain Kopeykin." It has nothing to do with Chichikov, it is a digression in which Gogol expresses his attitude to the current socio-political situation in Russia. Gogol can not be called a revolutionary, he did not advocate a coup. But he wanted Russia never to forget about the basic moral and moral laws. To show the disastrous path of Russia, Gogol creates his "Dead Souls." The genre created by Gogol and called the "poem" helps the writer in this. The third volume of the book he burned, and the second left unfinished. According to the idea of ​​the author in the last parts of the poem, a more optimistic view of the future of Rus was supposed to "shine through".

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