What kind of fruit is called Chinesegooseberry? He is known to all of us. This is a green and slightly shaggy fruit of kiwi fruit. A quarter of a century ago many Soviet people did not even know about the existence of such a fruit. Now they are littered with store shelves. But how many people know about the useful properties of kiwi? Or think about its possible harm? And how to properly eat kiwi - with his shaggy peel or without it, picking out the spoon with the flesh? All this we will tell in our article. If you ask: "Where do kiwi come from?", Most people will say: "From New Zealand". This is true, and no. The fact is that the fruit itself (or rather, the ancestor of the known kiwi) grows wild in China. In New Zealand it was brought only in the early twentieth century. It took about seventy years of painstaking work of breeders to grow this fruit with a taste of pineapple, gooseberries, strawberries and bananas from the inedible plant. And to honor the work of scientists who gave humanity a new product, it was decided to call it kiwi - in honor of the flightless bird that inhabits only New Zealand and is its national symbol.

Chinese gooseberry

Contribution of amateur gardeners

Alexander Allison did not even suspect that hedestined to become the "father" of fruit kiwi. At the very beginning of the twentieth century, this Sanitary officer from New Zealand traveled to China. And there he noticed a creeper of michutao, which in spring was covered with stunningly beautiful white flowers. Alexander Ellison's hobby was gardening. He asked his Chinese friend to send him seeds of this ornamental vine to him in New Zealand. It was flowers mihutao interested amateur gardener, because the berries that look like gooseberries, were tasteless and tough. When the seeds of the lianas arrived, Allison zealously engaged in their cultivation. Numerous fertilizers, inoculations and prunings gave an unexpected result: Chinese gooseberries did not just grow by fifteen to twenty centimeters per day, but every two days to give a plentiful harvest of large and delicious berries.

Benefits of kiwifruit for the body

How the world learned about kiwi

Alexander Ellison possessed the talent of a breeder,but, alas, he did not have any entrepreneurial veins. About a quarter of a century, only his family and friends knew about the delicious fruits of the cultivated mikhutao lianas. And maybe the world would never know what Chinese gooseberry is, if not for the global crisis that erupted in the thirties of the twentieth century. At that time, many people lost their jobs, as enterprises closed. Among them was a New Zealand port employee James McCloughlin. Having lost his job, he went to the farm to his relative and decided to try himself in a new business, namely the cultivation and sale of citrus fruits. But lemons were not in demand due to the same crisis. Yes, and grow them in the climate of New Zealand was difficult. And then James McCloughlin heard that his neighbor farmers every two days harvest a crop of unprecedented fruits, the taste of which resembles watermelon, pineapple and strawberries at the same time. He bought sprouts of a creeper and began to grow fruit for sale. The exotic fruit was bought up. Soon the McLocklin plantation expanded to thirty acres. And the cultivation of the lianas was followed by other farmers from New Zealand. Interested in the creeper mihutao and in her homeland. Chinese breeders are trying to grow fruit with red flesh.

How to eat kiwi

What substances contain kiwi (fruit)

Vitamins B1 and B2, E and PP are far from completeList of useful substances that are part of Chinese gooseberry. Carotene in kiwi is the same as in carrots. But most of all in this "plush" fruit of vitamin C. In a single fruit of medium size contains 1.5 days of normal. In addition to vitamins, Chinese gooseberry is also rich in valuable minerals. This is phosphorus, and calcium, and iron, and magnesium. Especially in kiwi potassium. Chinese medium-sized gooseberry contains 120 milligrams of this useful mineral. Recently, scientists have discovered in the fruits of lianas and enzymes that help the body burn fat and strengthen collagen fibers.

Benefits of kiwifruit for the body

This furry fruit is a real vitamin bomb. His advantage can not be overestimated. Vitamin C will strengthen your immune system against viral diseases. Carotene has a beneficial effect on visual acuity. Potassium, which is found in large amounts in Chinese gooseberry, lowers blood pressure, so fruit should be used more often hypertensive patients. The use of kiwi for the body is also expressed in its ability to thin cholesterol plaques that block arteries. Norwegian doctors came to the conclusion that if every day for a month to consume two or three fruits of Chinese gooseberries, it will reduce the risk of blood clots by twenty percent. Also, this fruit lowers the level of fatty acids in the blood. Useful for kiwifruit and for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat one fruit after a dense meal, you will not be tormented by heartburn or belching. This fruit promotes the dissolution of kidney stones. And because it almost does not contain sugar, it can safely have diabetics.

What kind of fruit is called Chinese gooseberry

Help in combating excess kilograms

In Chinese gooseberries, many enzymes that burnfats, as well as coarse cellulose of vegetable origin. The fruit has a mild laxative effect. The fruit of medium sized kiwi (weighing 60 grams) contains only 30 calories. All this makes the fruit an indispensable assistant in the fight against excess weight. In addition, the enzymes of Chinese gooseberry strengthen collagen. Therefore, the fruit is used for many diets. The use of kiwi for women is invaluable. The fruit normalizes the hormonal balance during menopause, and also treats gynecological diseases. Kiwi, due to its rich vitamin composition, is also used in cosmetology. Especially popular curd masks with this fruit, which saturate the skin of the face and neck necessary for the prolongation of youth with substances. And if you often eat Chinese gooseberry, gray will not soon touch your hair.

Kiwi Chinese gooseberry

Harm to kiwi

Chinese gooseberry on the content of vitamin Cahead of citrus. For this reason, it is considered an allergenic product. It can not be eaten by people with individual intolerance to lemons, oranges, watermelons. If you have an increased acidity of the stomach or you suffer from a ulcer, you should also treat Chinese gooseberries with caution. Look for the less common yellow kiwi fruit. It is more sweet and contains less acids. At a time when you are suffering from diarrhea, it is better to refuse to eat this fruit, because it has a laxative effect.

Kiwi for women

How to eat kiwi

Many people believe that in Chinese gooseberryedible only its tender green (or yellow) flesh. And to the question of how to eat kiwi, they respond: "Just like eating an egg soft-boiled." They mean by this that it is necessary to cut the fruit in half and scoop the contents out of two cups. But kiwi peel is not an egg shell. It has many useful substances. Antioxidants, which have an anti-cancer effect on the body, are three times larger in the skin of the fetus than in its flesh. And kiwi peel has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. How to eat kiwi right? With a blunt knife or carrot cleaning device, you first need to "shave" the fruit. Without the hairs tickling the tongue and palate, the rind of Chinese gooseberry is as soft as the apple.

Kiwi fruit vitamins

What is made of kiwi fruit

We have already mentioned that this fruit is used incosmetology. But in the cooking of kiwi (Chinese gooseberry) takes pride of place. The fruit is ideally combined with fish, seafood, poultry meat. Therefore, a green fruit is often used for cooking salads. Kiwi is made with juice and smoothies. Fruit canned, prepare from it compotes and confiture. Sour juice of Chinese gooseberry splits meat protein. Therefore, kiwi is used for marinating beef. A festive rich color of fruit makes it indispensable for decorating cakes and ice cream.

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