Peanuts are not a nut, as many believe, but a bean,the same as lentils or beans. For a long time scientists have established the use of peanut butter and peanuts. Ground nut, as it is also called, is considered one of the integral products of dietary nutrition, because its consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

This is because peanuts contain a large amount of antioxidants, and they are so necessary for the human body to fight free radicals.

As is known, in peanuts there is no cholesterol, andat the same time it contains a large number of different vitamins (E and B) and minerals, and in terms of nutrition, it is not inferior to peas or beans.

A significant amount of protein, which is present in peanuts (about 25%), makes it an alternative to meat dishes with vegetarian food.

The maximum benefit from peanuts and dishes fromIt can be obtained if you use it only fresh and not rancid. Do not forget that roasted peanuts definitely lose some of the vitamins that it contains.

A wide application of peanuts found in foodindustry, and especially popular is peanut butter. As you know, most of the harvest of peanuts in the United States is just for the manufacture of oil. Let's answer the question how to make peanut butter at home. This oil is perfect for making toppings and sandwiches.

Homemade Peanut Butter

Prepare 250 grams of raw peanuts, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, one tablespoon of sugar, one second of a teaspoon of salt.

Now, in order to cook peanutsbutter, fry peanuts in a frying pan until dark spots appear on it. Note that you do not need to add oil. Only a heated frying pan and nut.

Peel the peanuts from the peel, then fold it into a blender and add sunflower, sugar and salt oils. Beat all the ingredients until a uniform mass is obtained.

Now let's make the delicious sweetness, the basis of which is peanut butter. This product is simply adored by children.

How to cook peanut butter?

Take half a kilo of baked peanut, half a tablespoon of peanut butter, one second of a spoonful of honey and a little salt.

In order to cook a baked peanut,Rinse it thoroughly and let it dry for about an hour. Preheat the oven (180 degrees). Mix in a container of dry peanuts with one tablespoon of sea salt and two tablespoons of sunflower oil. Then put peanuts on sheets for baking, in one layer. Bake for half an hour, then let it cool.

Now put the peanuts in the blender and scrollone minute on average power. Spoon the gruel with a spoon, so that the coarse particles are finally mixed with the total mass. Repeat several times until the paste becomes a homogeneous mass. Then add honey, butter and salt. Scroll another forty-five seconds at maximum power. Place peanut butter paste in a dry jar.

The amount of oil and salt depends on your taste. You can beat the paste in different ways. If you add more oil, it turns creamy, and to make a "crispy" paste, a piece of peanuts should be added at the end of the grind.

Despite the fact that peanuts are very useful, hecan also pose a threat to the human body. It is also possible a strong allergic reaction to certain types of protein, which are contained in peanuts. It manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of edema of the mouth, itching, but it is possible and the consequences are more serious - hives or eczema.

Even if a person does not have peanut allergy,doctors-nutritionists recommend to use it in moderate doses. Even serious consequences can result from the use of peanuts, which were stored incorrectly.

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