Absinthe is one of the most popular alcoholic beveragesA beverage that contains seventy percent of alcohol. This drink appeared in Switzerland in 1782 as a cure for many diseases. Absinthe at home is prepared quite simply, and they make it on an extract of bitter wormwood. Also in the composition can include chamomile, coriander, lemon balm and other herbs. The reasons why absinthe is made at home is, first, the price that not everyone can afford to pay for a drink. Secondly, independent preparation of a drink allows to achieve absence in it of thujone - the harmful substance giving fast and strong intoxicating effect.

absinthe at home

Absinthe in the home is done in three stages: the first stage - infusion, the second - distillation and, finally, the third - coloring. For insisting, we need:

- 1 liter of alcohol;

- 100 gr. wormwood;

- 60 gr. anise seeds;

- 60 gr. fennel seeds;

- 20 gr. mint;

- 30 gr. chamomile;

- 15 gr. ground coriander;

- 10 gr. nutmeg;

- 30 gr. lemon balm.

All listed ingredients can be purchased inpharmacies. Alcohol should be diluted to 85%, i.e. in 850 ml of alcohol, add 150 ml of water. After that, you need to grind the wormwood in a small plate, gently mix the grass, cleaned of debris and stems, and pour them into the jar. Then pour the diluted alcohol into the jar and close it tightly. The bank needs to be put on the battery and insisted for two weeks, after which the cooking process can be considered complete.

home-made drinks

Absinthe at home can not be done without distillation, for which we will need a home-grown device.

The third stage is the coloring of the drink. This is necessary in order for it to have a pronounced taste and emerald color. For this we need to buy at the pharmacy 5 gr. St. John's wort, take another 15 gr. mint and half a lemon peel. In half the drink, add the above ingredients and insist for five hours. After filtering the infusion with gauze. As a result, we get a clean tincture, in which we add the remaining half of the drink.

cocktails with absinthe at home
Absinthe can be drunk in a classic way - withsugar syrup, lighting a glass, or you can prepare cocktails with absinthe at home, such as "absinthe-boom," where a "sprite" is poured through a piece of sugar. Or more complex, for example, "sweet contrast", when 100 ml of apple juice is poured into a glass, then 20 ml of berry syrup and 50 ml of absinthe, and 3 cubes of ice are added from above. Also very famous is the cocktail "lion's milk", which has a very mild and delicate taste. To prepare the drink, mix half the banana, 30 ml of absinthe and 50 ml of milk in the blender and pour the resulting mixture into a glass. You can decorate the capacity of a banana.

In the end, I would like to note that all drinks inhome conditions are the most harmful than their purchased counterparts, because they are prepared without observing the technologies that are used in factories. In the manufacture of a large number of toxic substances, such as aldehydes and fusel oils, accumulate, which can later cause ulcers. In any case, be careful not to regret the consequences.

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