It seems that on Earth there are very few women,who will be indifferent to indoor flowers. And among men, most still appreciate and love home comfort, beauty, brightness and cheerfulness, which settle in the house together with flower pots. We decorate them with rooms, above all, guided by their own tastes and preferences. And hardly anyone thinks that each zodiac sign corresponds to its room flowers.

Astrologers advise

flowers on a horoscope
The Druids believed that we all haveplant-talismans, corresponding to those constellations, under which we were born. Astrologers of different times confirm this and advise in front gardens and houses to grow suitable flowers on a horoscope. Why? Everything is very simple. Having settled next to a green sprout from your native zodiacal elements, you in his face get a powerful friend and helper, a good energy feed. Such a vason pet will harmonize your personal qualities and character traits, adjust the overall psychological atmosphere of the family and home. What kind of flowers correspond to us on a horoscope? Let's consider some examples.


large indoor flowers
The sign is bright, hot, frankly speaking, fiery. And the plants corresponding to it, with carved long leaves, similar in shape to the flames, and in color - orange, brownish, with flowers in burgundy, red, pink tones. Since the rams are ambitious enough, their flowers are usually high, spreading out on a horoscope. It's not even flowers, but small trees. And since the very sign of Aries in the Zodiac personifies the human personality, its plants strengthen our faith in ourselves, in our own strengths, help us achieve our goals in personal and social life. These are begonia, azalea, pygmy pomegranate and others.


homemade flowers on a horoscope
This is the first earth sign in the zodiacal circle, andhis sphere of interests is purely material. Taurus economical, prudent, firmly on their feet. Therefore, his flowers on the horoscope contribute to economic stability in the family, money and household wealth. Moreover, in astrology, it is Taurus that symbolizes health, bodily strength, endurance. And to keep the plants that correspond to it means to support the immunity and protective properties of the organisms of all household members. But not only - Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, protects the calves. Therefore, they aspire to beauty! Therefore, domestic flowers on a horoscope have calves, although they are short, but with elegant leaves, beautifully budding buds. These are violets of all shades, cyclamen, decorative begonia, Kalanchoe.


ornamental plants by horoscope
The sign is changeable, mobile, light, likethe whiff of the wind, the flow of air, which he, in fact, symbolizes. The patron of the twins is Mercury, and their changeable nature is associated with him. Suitable plants are curly, with a dense "cap" of juicy greens. They will help to establish a family in harmony and warm relations, strengthen friendship with old friends and draw into the house of new ones. And since Gemini is an extraordinary mind, non-standard mental operations, plants from their sphere of influence will help to cope with learning, with the assimilation of new knowledge. This is both small and large room flowers, all familiar: tracadication, asparagus, all sorts of ivy and even date palm.


flowers of the zodiac circle
How to choose plants for a winter garden orfor a garden on the windows? Of course, taking into account the habitat of the flowers themselves, as well as the way they "join up" with each other. And try to have each member of your family have a couple of personal green assistants. In addition, many flowers are universal and provide energy support not only to their zodiacal "relatives", but also to other signs.

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