The meaning of the name Tikhon is fate or chance. This is how his translation from the Greek sounds. As for its origin, a legend is composed, according to which in the rather "shaggy" times there was a goddess of fortune, called Tyuhe. Her name was translated as "chance", "lot", "luck". After a while it was transformed into a male version - Tikhon.

the value of the name is quiet
According to the legend, its owners will always have luck in their affairs! In this article, we, our dear friends, will learn in more detail what the name Tikhon means.

The mystery of the name

Boys, named Tikhon, stand out amongothers independence, self-control and such a rare human trait, as without malice. It should be noted that the significance of the name Tikhon, unlike other names, rarely changes with age. If in childhood the child was a real demon, a pirate and a robber, then adult life promises him solid adventures. His fantasies easily turn into reality.

The positive and negative meaning of the name Tikhon

Probably, it's no secret that any name, like the person himself, has two sides to the coin. Here the name Tikhon is characterized as positive, and negative properties.

Positive traits

which means the name is tihon

To the good personal qualities of Tikhon, you cantake his modesty (both external and internal), his discretion and calm. With such a "set", it is not worth it to disarm any (even the most aggressive) uncontrollable frostbite.

Negative qualities

Alas, despite such positive qualities,The importance of the name Tikhon has also the dark side of the coin. For example, his constant and excessive isolation in himself, as well as incomprehensible absent-mindedness and detachment, often prevent him from concentrating on anything very important ... Such immersion in himself often plays a cruel joke on poor Tikhon: he becomes a hostage to unpleasant situations . In addition, he is not even able to notice the obvious and the most simple fateful signs warning him of the danger.

Professional activity

The meaning of the name indicates to Tikhon on the exact sciences. It's no secret that these young people may well become wonderful scientists, "luminaries" of science: historians, philosophers. And all this thanks to an irrepressible thirst for knowledge. He always gets to the bottom of the truth, to the essence of this or that phenomenon.

tiny value
Tikhon very carefully approaches his work. He remains for a rather long time in some specific professional field, since he never sets himself the goal to change his life in a fundamental way. Despite this, lucky in the full sense of the word it will help him become ... an inheritance! That's the kind he is - Tikhon!

The meaning of a name in the family

If we talk about the family life of Tikhon, then he does notan amateur to show their feelings and emotions in public. Tikhon always prefers to stay in the shade. That is why in his wife he takes an imperious and strong woman who is able to fully appreciate his rich inner world. Tikhon hopes that someday she will help him become more emancipated.

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