According to mythology, Buddhist monks toto attain enlightenment, should show mankind the path to salvation. For the first time, Tibet became acquainted with this religion in the 700s, when the Grand Master Guru Rinpoche came from India to defeat the demons. After that, they forever became an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism.

Buddhist monks

Buddhism today

Buddhism is the oldest of the three world religions. Christianity appeared for about five centuries, and Islam - for 12 centuries later. Buddhist monks live mainly in Asia, China, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Laos and Thailand. On the territory of our country, this religion is practiced by the inhabitants of Tuva, Buryatia and Kalmykia. But recently Buddhist monks also meet in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large Russian cities. It is difficult to determine how many in the total number of followers of this religion are in the world. But approximately it can be said that in general there are about one million monks and nuns and about 400 million lay people.

Buddhist beads

Buddhist beads

Followers of the Buddha to concentrate their thoughtswhile reading mantras use beads. Traditionally, they have exactly 108 beads, but, in principle, variants are possible, since their number indicates certain positions of the teaching. For example, 108 beads of traditional rosaries mean 108 kinds of man's desires, which cloud his spirit. They are associated with the six senses: smell, sight, touch, hearing, taste and intelligence. Desires about the relation to internal and external objects, to the past, the present and the future. There are three ways to manage them: in words, thoughts and actions. There are other options for deciphering the figure 108, but this is the most famous.

The Teaching of the Buddha. Diamond path

Buddhism of the Diamond Way is often described asthe main jewel of the teachings of the Great Buddha. Its main goal is to realize the authenticity of each event, since this expresses the unlimited potential of the mind. To ensure quick results in achieving enlightenment, Buddhist monks rely on inspired insight, transforming all sensations into natural purity.

At a time when the disciples saw in the Buddhaa divine person, but simply trusted him as a mirror of his mind, he could attach them to the Diamond Way. With his power and penetrating vision, he awakened in people the dignity that contributed to their full development.

Three approaches of the highest level of Buddhism

Buddhism of the Diamond Way

The highest level of the Buddha's teaching includes three approaches: Path of Methods, Path of Deep Vision and Meditation on Lama. Buddhist monks, using these methods, get the opportunity of full development due to their energy or awareness of power. The broadest approach to enlightenment contains meditation on Lama, but only if the teacher is reliable. A person can be in the space of his mind, while his own personal qualities will reach the desired level of development. The Buddhism of the Diamond Way contributes to the effective removal of negative and harmful influences. Thanks to this teaching, a person will get rid of what can later become a cause of difficult situations. We need to work with our own mind, and then we will not become a victim of our own actions.

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