They say that to guess on the cards, you need a specialtalent - "connection with the subtle world." Partly this is true, fortune telling always needs to be based on one's own intuition, otherwise it can not be understood with interpretations. But access to an ordinary 36-card deck is very simple. There are even special divinations designed for non-specialists: you ask the question mentally, pull out one card from the deck and see its meaning.

read the cards

To get a detailed answer to your questionor to predict the future, we need fortune telling. There are a lot of layouts, and in some of them the values ​​of the maps will not be the same as usual. Guessing on the cards is by the rules that are more suited to your temperament. Check with the directory, practice as often as possible, and you will choose your most suitable layout, learn the meanings by heart.

But guessing on Tarot cards is worth it,unless you are going to devote a part of your life to them. Some of the Tarot decks are even able to independently influence the fate of their owner, and in order to interpret their values, one must get acquainted with astrology, runes, medicinal plants, mythology, etc. But say this deck can even more than you would like to know.

How to guess on love cards

You can make a layout for the person whoseattitude to yourself you want to know. If your cards do not fall into the balance, it means that this person does not think about you at all. When there are a lot of "your" suit cards, this is a good sign for a joint relationship. And everything in the middle, just requires you to use intuition and good knowledge of maps. After all, you, in fact, try to penetrate into other people's thoughts.

how to learn fortune-telling on maps

Many professional predictors say,that guessing on the cards to predict the future itself is not worth it. They will not tell the whole truth, and you will be too interested in the result. It is better to ask the help of a friend to spread out the cards for you, and you will read their values.

How to make the most accurate guessing

how to guess on love cards

Buy specifically for predictions of a new "unplayed" deck of cards and a couple of books in a convenient format on how to learn to guess cards.

In order for predictions to be true, one must take seriously divination. You do not need to consider it a kind of entertainment.

In old books suggested to guess in uninhabitedroom (for example, in a barn or in a bath), where there are no mirrors, and the guessing woman had to dissolve her hair and take out all the pins from her clothes. Now it is difficult to comply with these conditions, but if you are going to conduct a certain ritual before fortune-telling, for example, to light scented candles and pronounce spells, it will be easier for you to tune in to communicate with the subtle world. It is better to guess cards on the cards alone, in the evening, but not right before bed (nightmares may occur).

It is impossible to lay out cards on church holidays, it is better not to guess on Sundays. But the holy week is the best time for any kind of fortune-telling.

Never ask the cards the same question in a row, if their answer did not satisfy you the first time. It is better to repeat the divination the next day.

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