Who among us does not dream about a country house? At first glance, this problem is not so easy to solve. In fact, there is a wonderful option - a house made of foam blocks, the construction of which is completely accessible to anyone. Penoblock is a very convenient material: it is easy to handle, it can be sawed with a normal hand saw, it is light and easy to lay. In addition, it is quite durable and much cheaper than bricks and other building materials.

Houses made of foam blocks
Houses made of foam blocks

Self-construction of such structuresbegins with the device foundation. The site chosen for construction is cleaned and well leveled. The foundation for such a house can be either a monolithic tape or a high-foam foam block. A cheaper and no less practical option is a prefabricated foundation of blocks. To begin with, a sand pillow is set up, on which blocks will be laid. The laid foundation blocks must be covered with a waterproofing material, for example a roofing material, and only then the masonry of the walls begins.

Building a house of foam blocks with your own hands
When we build a house with our own hands from foam blocks,it is necessary to adhere to certain rules: the first row is laid on cement mortar and well leveled, since the success of all further work depends on the quality of the first series. The quality of its laying is necessarily checked with the help of a level, and only then does the subsequent series begin. The construction of the house, as with any other type of masonry, begins with corners. If the foam blocks are of good quality and ideally even, then they are laid on a special glue solution. If they have defects, then the usual masonry solution is used. The laying of each successive series is verified by level and plumb, and irregularities are sealed with mortar. After every few rows the reinforcing bars are laid, for this purpose the cuts are made in the blocks, which are then carefully cemented. This will give the walls extra strength.

Building a house with our own hands from foam blocks
Houses made of foam blocks: construction by own hands

The next stage is the installation of window and dooropenings. To do this, reinforced concrete bridges of different configurations are used: straight or arched. After installing the jumpers, the masonry continues to the required height of the walls. When it is finished, the construction of the house of foam blocks with their own hands continues with the installation of slabs. To do this, a support belt is reinforced at the top of the masonry and an overlap is laid on the layer of mortar, the best variant of which is a reinforced concrete slab. But, in principle, it can be wooden or monolithic.

Further it is necessary to carry out the installation workwater supply, sewerage, as well as perform electrical work. This is not a great job, since foam concrete can be easily drilled and otherwise processed, but when performing work on the installation of electrical wiring, expert supervision is not a problem. Works on interior decoration of the premises using technology are no different from works in any other house, they can also be done by oneself.

So, houses are built from foam blocks. The construction with own hands ends with the device of the roof. For this, rafters and crates are installed. Roof covering is mounted depending on the chosen type. Currently, metal profiles are used most often, since it is easy to install and relatively inexpensive.

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