The garden lover is an amazing decorativea plant that is actively used in garden design. This representative of the flora belongs to the family of legumes and is a deciduous shrub. It can grow to 7 m. This plant looks great, especially during flowering. It begins near the end of May. Inflorescences are collected in golden long brushes, which look very impressive. Therefore, the people call it a golden rain. The garden lover, despite the beauty, is very toxic. All parts of this representative of the flora contain cytisine (a toxic alkaloid).

garden lizard
Kinds of a beaver

There are three varieties of this plant,which grow in the south of Europe and in the Asian countries: the ordinary bean (anagirolist), alpine and Vaterera. However, for floristic compositions one of them is most often used. This is an ordinary lover. Breeders on the basis of this representative of the flora were taken out three decorative forms: weeping, golden and autumn. The garden lover has dangling light brown branches and leaves with a hair cover in the lower part. This plant is a honeycomb. The second most popular is the alpine beaver. It is actively used to create protective landings, plant sheds and landscaping of the territory. The main advantage of this type is the high frost resistance.

Boss of the bush

The beaver is a shrub that needs soil withsufficient calcium content and good drainage. Especially suitable for it are soils that do not accumulate a large amount of moisture and easily give up its excess. This representative of the flora grows well even on poor soils. In the first 2-3 years after planting in the ground, the plant in winter should be sheltered, otherwise it will freeze. With heavy snowfalls from the branches of this representative of the flora, it is necessary to clean snow so that they do not break down under its weight. The garden beaver perfectly maintains the drought, however, for a more comfortable feel of the bush and moisture retention in the soil, it is desirable to make mulching with compost or peat.

golden lover

The plant likes terrain, it's goodilluminated by the sun, or partial shade, but it grows well in shady places. In windy areas it is better not to land. The beaver has a lush beautiful crown that does not need pruning. However, it can be moderately trimmed and trimmed (to give the best decorative qualities). In the summer, moderate watering is required.


The golden beaver reproduces by green cuttings,layers, seeds and bush division. You can purchase special seedlings in the garden store, but there are nuances. To the plant well tolerated the winter, the material for reproduction should be from a similar in climatic conditions. It is preferable to propagate this shrub with seeds that are collected independently. To enhance winter hardiness, they can be stratified in the refrigerator (no more than 1.5 months). Sow the seeds in the early spring under the glass. About a month later the first shoots appear. Under favorable conditions, this plant can easily survive to 100 years.

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