The appearance in the family of the baby changes the life cardinally. Mummies, despite the postnatal euphoria, constantly feel fear and anxiety. The main experiences of young parents are associated with the cry of the baby, because it can indicate serious problems. Consider the main reasons why the newborn cries, and try to help the baby.

why does the newborn cry

Causes for crying at the fowl are many. Small creatures are still poorly adapted to life, and they can upset any small thing. It is infantile hysteria that all parents are very afraid of. Inexperienced moms at such moments are lost, do not know how to help your baby.

Your first step should be the answer to the question: "Why does a newborn baby cry?" Strictly speaking, all the reasons can be divided into several large groups:

  1. Unmet physiological needs.
  2. Physical discomfort.
  3. Painful sensations.
  4. Psychological factor.

Let's take a closer look at each block of reasons.

Why does the newborn cry? Maybe he's just hungry

Babies eat often, approximate intervalbetween feeds is 3 hours. However, note that all children are different, and everyone has their own feeding regime. That is why modern pediatricians recommend not to adhere to a strict schedule, but to feed the cub at will. So, here are the main indicators of crying because of hunger:

  1. Since the last feeding, more than 2 hours have passed.
  2. The child exercises a smacking movement with sponges.
  3. If you take the crumb in your hands, then he begins to twist his head and look for the chest.
  4. Immediately after applying to the chest, the baby calms down.

If you are worried, why the newborn cries, then invite him to eat, because this is one of the most common causes of hysterics.

why a newborn baby cries
Caring for a child is a guarantee of his well-being

Another reason why she criesa newborn, is physical discomfort. Earlier, kids loudly informed their moms about wet diapers. Today there are disposable diapers that make life easier for all family members. However, an overcrowded diaper or the presence of feces in it can cause significant inconvenience to your karapuzik. Note that newborns go to the toilet "a lot" several times a day, so check the diaper more often.

Also, the child may be disturbed by clothes if they are too tight, or the seams rub the skin. Remember, that you should not bother to babble. Clothing should be made of natural fabrics and with outer seams.

Two more reasons for crying are cold or heat. The latter variant happens more often, as mummies rarely supercool children. Touch the back of the child's head. If it is hot and wet, then the baby must be undressed.

Why does a newborn baby cry?? And if it hurts?

Perhaps this is the greatest fear of all moms. The child's health worries parents even during pregnancy. If you hear a shrill scream, then chances are that the baby is hurt. Consider the most common situations.

  1. The baby cries during feeding. If immediately after applying to your breast your baby starts screaming, then, perhaps, he has diseases of the oral cavity. Thrush or stomatitis can lead to ulcers and pain. Look at the baby's crumbs. After noticing a white coating, consult a doctor.
  2. The baby cries after feeding. The cause in this case are intestinal colic. Due to the imperfections of the digestive organs, such an attack often troubles the children. The baby screams, presses the legs to the tummy and releases the gazicks, these are the main symptoms of intestinal colic. Do a tummy massage, apply the baby naked to the chest, and also keep it upright after feeding.
  3. A child screams when he cures naturalneeds. Crying during urination can indicate the diseases of the genitourinary system. In case of fever, always call a doctor. But hysteria during defecation can be a symptom of constipation. If you find that the stool is solid, or if there is blood in it, you need to change your diet and offer the baby a mild laxative.

Psychological factor

One of the main reasons why she criesnewborn, can serve the need for caress and care. The child is scared in the new world, he needs the constant presence of Mom nearby. Take the crumb on your hands, shake it, sing a song.

why does the newborn cry

If a small miracle cries before falling asleep,perhaps the child is not tired yet, or, conversely, overworked. Newborns sleep 18-20 hours a day. If the child is too tired, then his nervous system is excited, and he experiences difficulties with falling asleep.

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