Once upon a time this breed in the USSR was very popular in70-75 years and often met in urban flats and exhibitions. Now its popularity has diminished, but those who have a dwarf pincher at home have appreciated the dignity of this breed. This is not a goggle, a small creature, shaking on thin legs, as many imagine it.

In the markets, every dog ​​that can be takenmouse, called a dwarf pincher - and in vain. This is quite an old breed, which was brought in the middle of the 20th century from Germany. There it was officially registered for the first time in 1895 as a breed of dogs called Pinscher-Schnauzer. It is assumed that her ancestors were a dachshund and a greyhound, and a smooth-haired pinscher also participated in creating the breed.

Characteristics of the breed dwarf pinscher

Its small size is ideal forto live in an apartment. In addition, it can be put in a bag and can easily be taken to a dacha or to go with him to visit - it will fit in your hands. He does not care for himself much, sometimes enough to comb his hair with a stiff brush.

Small sizes do not stop this smalla dog when she has to protect her master. Her ability to move quickly allows you to dodge the oncoming attacks, it is unlikely that you will kick her or "get it" with a stick if she decides to rush to defense.

Dwarf pinscher was not in vain received a characterizationfearless dog. Despite the fact that the dog is obedient and affectionate with the owners, he is an excellent watchman. Bravely rushes to uninvited guests with barking when they are at home. On the street, canine affairs distract him from passers-by, he is more calm, but he treats strangers wary, not allowing them to treat him unceremoniously.

On a walk, seeing in front of him a charminga small dog, passers-by sometimes try to pat it. Dwarf pinscher does not like communication in the style of "shi-pushi" and warns with caution, all the way showing that he is serious.

He has strong enough teeth, and goodBite to bite even the big dog. Pincher probably imagines that he is the biggest and most formidable dog, because fear is unknown to him. It also happens that a large dog runs away from this baby, seeing in him a worthy opponent.

Pincher is a good friend and companion

In general, the breed of dogs dwarf pinscher is beautifultrained, can follow the trail. To fulfill the commands of the host for him is a pleasure. An elderly person will be pleased to have beside him an unpretentious friend, a loyal watchman and a defender. In addition, sitting on a bench, you can watch his games with other dogs and breathe air. He will not abandon his master and will not run away. And if you buy a pinscher to be raised and brought up with your children, the best friend for games and running around is not found. Rather, the kids will get tired, than he gets tired of running around the yard.

Pets, if they are in the house,perfectly get on with the dog, he is a faithful friend to a cat, guinea pig or even a wavy parrot. Like all dogs, pinschers do not like drafts, their place should be protected from them. In weak frosts, he calmly runs through the snow. When it gets cold in winter, you need to walk with pinschers in clothes, for this suit or a warm sweatshirt. This outfit will allow him to accompany the owners on the street in any weather.

Problems with food does not arise. Everyone who has such a dog knows perfectly well what to feed a dwarf pinscher. In addition to canine food, he may well eat from your table - he will have enough of the food that you cook yourself. Of course, a good bone, like for any dog, will be its delicacy.

If a pincher-lady lives in the house, then the puppies do notwill be a hassle. Watching how these little dogs grow and play is one pleasure. Litter is usually limited to four puppies, and such great dogs can easily be given to friends and acquaintances.

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